Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Project shows eye exams important for kids

From Primary Care Optometry News:
Members of the Connecticut Association of Optometrists (CAO) along with nurses from public schools in Hartford found that 46% of children screened had acuity worse than 20/50 that was previously undetected and untreated.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Cooper Proclear Multifocal (Bifocal) Contacts

I attended a fitting seminar the other night presented by the individual who designed the Proclear Multifocal. I learned a couple of new things about the lenses. I refit the lenses in my own eyes based on what I learned. The difference was awesome. I am seeing very well at both near and far. I couldn't be happier.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Contact me with your questions or concerns

E-mail me at if you have anything to ask me. The e-mail goes straight to my blackberry and I will be able to respond quickly.

Update since I haven't posted in a while.

  • Training for the Pittsuburgh Marathon is going very well. I am up to 16 miles for my long run. My wife is going to run the Marathon relay.
  • We are approaching our 1 year anniversary at the new location and I am happy to report that I am almost moved in.
  • Saw Fleetwood Mac at the Mellon arena. Lindsay Buckingham was awesome and almost 60 years old. I have some pretty good shows coming up on the horizon: Glenn Tilbrook and the Fluffers, Ray LaMontagne, Arlo Guthrie, and Bruce Springsteen
  • I am starting to use the Electronic Medical Records to their full advantage. For me, it seems to improve the management of complicated medical conditions and contact lens fits.