Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness in the world today. Currently affecting more than 30 million people worldwide, it is expected that this number will double in the next 20 to 30 years. Degeneration of the macula, the portion of the eye that is responsible for central vision tasks such as reading and driving, is the one of the major contributors of AMD. Early detection of one of the major risk factors of AMD, PRIOR TO SYMPTOMATOLOGY occurring, and monitoring its status are critical to preserving one's vision. Previously, a proactive approach was not possible. Now, with the development of the MacuScope™, it is! With the use of our patented device, deficiencies in the macula are detectable, treatable and can be accurately monitored.
Stop into our Uniontown office today to learn more about the macuscope. Or call 724-438-7550 to set up your appointment today!