Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Philadelphia Marathon
Next up: Pittsburgh Marathon on May 3.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Continuing Education in Las Vegas
- treatment of dry eye and how nutritional supplements can help
- treatment of corneal infiltrates and ulcers
- macular degeneration and how nutritional supplements can help
My wife Rhonda and I also saw The Jersey Boys while we were there. It was awesome. It is coming to Pittsburgh this December. If you like Broadway shows, check it out.
I ran 17 miles one morning. 17 miles on the Vegas strip is hard. Lots of people all spread out on the sidewalks. You have to get up real early in the morning to be able to run.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thanks for voting us #1 again!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Marathon update...
My wife and I share the same GPS for running (Forerunner by Garmin). She is becoming a pretty good runner. Her pace is way faster than it use to be.
Avaira lenses going strong
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Marathon training going really well
Monday--rest (plus way too busy at the vision center to run)
Tuesday--8 miles (4 miles at higher tempo, 4 miles at goal pace)
Wednesday--70 minutes of running with at least 6 minutes of hills
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
American's eyesight is worse than thought
Half of all Americans have some sort of vision problem, most of them myopia or astigmatism, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.
This is far higher than previous estimates, the team at the National Eye Institute reported in the Archives of Ophthalmology.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
New Dan Zanes vs. Barenaked Ladies Snacktime
Olivia does love the BNL's Snacktime. Actually, me and all the girls love it! It is just good music. Very hard for Dan Zanes new CD to get much playtime in the car.
The kids also like Camp Lisa by Lisa Loeb. We picked that up at Barnes and Noble. I am happy to report that Barnes and Noble now have peppermint for lattes and hot chocolate.
two songs I am listening to a lot
And for me, Old Crow Medicine Show, Wagon Wheel. Kids aren't quite sold on this song or CD. Probably, a little too much bluegrass for them.
Started training for Philadelphia Marathon today!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wierd Al Yankovic at the Palace in Greensburg
The crowd loved the show and Wierd Al is very entertaining. The highlight of the night seemed to be the Star Wars parody of Don McClean's American Pie.
The Palace Theatre in Greensburg has a lot of good shows. Keep an eye out.
Friday, July 18, 2008
$20 rebate on your contact lens evaluation...
Mt Carmel 5K
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Are all WalMart Optometrists the same?
As a patient, you cannot walk into every WalMart Vision Center and expect the same level of care. Each optometrist is independent. The level of care available depends on the amount of investment the independent optometrist is willing to do. In my case, I have invested in digital visual acuity charts, electronic medical records, a digital retinal camera, a digital anterior segment camera, a corneal topographer, ocutouch patient education software, and a macuscope to evaluate for risk of macular degeneration.
I also have many years of experience and take excessive amounts of continuing medical education. I practice to the fullest extent of my license which means diagnosing and treating eye disease. In addition, I move patients into the latest in contact lens technology allowing for the most comfortable and healthy wearing experience.
So, when looking for an optometrist, please realize that all optometrists do not have the same amount of advanced instrumentation available to take care of your eyes. At the Uniontown WalMart, we are on the forefront of instrumentation and contact lens technology.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My wife is profiled in the United Way annual report!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
John Woodruff 5K in Connellsville
My wife, Rhonda, did well. She improved upon her last race.
The people running the event were awesome and special thanks to Bud Murphy's for the free post-run beer. Too busy to eat there. We ate at Goos in Mt. Pleasant. That place was fantastic. I can't believe I have never heard of it before. I am certainly going back there to eat again.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Latest 5K

My wife, Rhonda and I ran a 5K on July 4th. Here we are at the finish line. We are not actually crossing together. I had already finished and ran back to get her.
For the record, I am wearing progressive addition high index transition lenses in a Lucky Brand frame. I love my progressives. I can do anything in them. I don't even realize that I am wearing bifocals!
Perry: 23:48
Rhonda: 28:42
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Contact lenses dry?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A great lubricating drop for contact lenses
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Settling in to the new store
Monday, February 25, 2008
New camera to photograph your eye!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
New visual field to manage glaucoma

We are adding the new Oculus Easyfield to compliment our current Humphrey FDT Visual Field Instrument. The two instruments test for visual field loss by different mechanisms. Our FDT finds the earliest signs of glaucoma. Our new oculus unit will be able to quantify the defects and then follow the field loss to accurately rule out glaucoma or follow the progression of glaucoma.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Big changes coming to our new office in the Uniontown Wal-Mart Vision Center

When we move in to the new Wal-Mart Supercenter on March 7, I am going to unveil a lot of new equipment to make your eye care even better. First, I have acquired a corneal topographer. As the name implies, the corneal topographer takes a map of the surface of the front of your eye. For contact lenses, this will help me fit patients in the most comfortable contact lenses. The topographer will also help me solve problems for patients who are not comfortable with their current contact lenses. The topographer also gives helpful information when I see patients with a lot of astigmatism
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thanks for voting us #1
Watch this blog for me details!
New Macular Degeneration Test in Uniontown